Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Winter is upon us and vacation is coming. Midmarks are Dec. 7, which means...

...soon will come the end of the marking period and midterms!

Bring in your writing for review! It can be assignment sheets alone, smaller pieces of writing, longer papers, from any subject area! Student tutors are available as follows:

Regular day schedule:
Period 1: By appointment
Period 2: By appointment
Period 3: Marissa (not D days)
Period 4: Justine (B and D days only)
Period 5: Abby and Kate
Period 6: -----------
Period 7: Ali (C/D days)
Period 8: By appointment

After school schedule:
Tues. 12/12: Talia
Wed. 12/13: Neha
Tues. 12/19: Sophie
Wed. 12/20: Mary
Happy Vacation!
Tues. 1/2: Hadiya
Wed. 1/3: Maddie
Tues. 1/9: Alexa
Wed. 1/10: Talia

No tutoring during midterms.

Remember, if there is no student tutor on duty during your class period, you can meet with the teacher on duty. Just ask!

2019-2020 Schedule

Welcome back Amity! The writing center is officially open to help you with writing assignments in any subject, whether it's discussing y...